دكتور محمد محمد الحناوى

إستشارى العقم و النساء والتوليد

مصر - دمياط  -رأس البر

قياسات الجنين بالأشعة التليفزيونية

لتحديد عمره و درجة نموه


Fetal Measurements = Weeks Calculator

It is common to make at least 2 and often 4 or 5 measurements to estimate gestational age.
In most cases, BPD [Biparietal diameter], HC [Head circumference], AC [Abdominal circumference] and FL [Femur length] are used.

Since all of these measurements are strongly related to gestational age, it is not usually important how they are combined. Normal +/- deviations

BPD in mm:   Gestational Age = weeks

HC in mm :   Gestational Age = weeks

AC in mm :   Gestational Age = weeks

FL in mm :   Gestational Age = weeks

Estimated fetal weight calculator

This calculator uses the most common ultrasound formula; proposed by Shephard et al.
Estimated fetal weight (eFW in Kg, BPD and AC in mm):
Log10(eFW)= -1.7492+(0.0166*BPD)+(0.0046*AC)-2.646*(BPD*AC)/1000

Enter a BPD and AC Measurement in mm:

BPD in mm =     AC in mm =

